I've been missing in action, I know. I owe recipes, and updates. I know, I know. I've been keeping things to myself because, if you know me, I think I can fix everything. Lies. That is a boldface lie. Sometimes, you have to just live and let God!
Since you guys are my Family too, I have to ask for a favor. I need you all to say a prayer for me for some important things in my life.1. My Mommy
She's been sick and no one, not even the doctors could figure out what's wrong. She's probably been in the hospital for the last 60+ days. Honestly, I wish I could sit with her all day everyday, but the way life works, is ....someone has to make the donuts! Just pray for a Godspeed recovery, and healing in the name of Jesus for her.
2. The Building and it's Build Out
I am literally learning soo much, with the build out of The Kitchen by Cooking with Que. It seems like I'm not building the building, the Building is Building me! (If that aint a word). I have a new level of patience, an enhanced spirit of discernment, and I have learned that sometimes you have to teach people to respect your gangsta (lol ). There are soo many details, colors, seating, what type of chairs, funding, marketing, branding, equiptment, laws, city ordinances.... like it's cray cray.
Needless to say, #SheTired! Listen! I say all of that to say, no matter what the situation looks like, or feels like....you have to enjoy the process. The process makes us greater beings. It makes us stronger, and it teaches us to have more faith in God, instead of humans. Just think, everyone looked at Noah like he was crazy when he was building the ark! Guess what, THE ARK WAS BUILT!
Soooo I know, My Mommy will be HEALED, AND THE ARK (MY BUILDING) will be built!
Now to keep me calm, cool, and collective (and not stress eat lol) Kale Medley and Veggie Bowls have been my go to meals. Especially since I haven't had a lot of free time, look at these quick meals can be made super quickly, or cooked and left in the fridge already prepped.
So scroll down and try these recipes out for yourself. When you do, just remember to tag us in it #CookingWithQue! The next email you guys get will have the next available class (you guys get first dibs), and some new recipes made from Jackfruit, and some Creole specialties that we created for the Motor City Casino! Yep.. Cooking with Que was there!
Until next time,
May your tastebuds be.....
Forever Satisfied

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