Now listen, I know I just did a Facebook live the other day, I posted it on Youtube for all of the Saints and Aints’ that don’t have Facebook. Go Watch it! No Joke! It gives you all the information that you need about this healthy drink.
This is Apple, Beetroot, and Carrot Juice.
Very simple recipe but power packed! If you want to see the recipe, check it out here!
For those who don't know my Husband deals with pulmonary embolisms. There are hereditary, and the blood clots that usually form in the limbs and then travel to places that you don't want them to go. They are painful and uncomfortable as they travel. When you are diagnosed with them the usual treatment is taking blood thinners, so that the blood clots will break up, and also as a preventative way to stop them from occurring. What we wanted to do was to find a natural way to break the blood clots down as well. So we put together this drink as a natural blood thinner for my Hubby.
Now, ABC represents, Apple, Beetroot, and Carrot and in trying to create this natural blood thinner, we found out that it has soooooo many benefits. Literally this drink will flush all the unwanted toxins out of your body. Let's look at some of the research I found.
A is for Apple
You have probably heard the saying the saying an apple a day keeps the doctors away... well its true! Apples have tons of dietary fibers that are beneficial to your health. The Vitamin C is off the chart. High enough to help you build your immune and nervous system, and you thought only Oranges had vitamin C! Apples will give you the energy that you need. Your natural Red Bull!
Vitamins & Minerals: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, Folate, Niacin, Zinc, Coper, Potassium, Manganese, and Phosphous
B is for Beetroot
The first honest thing I will tell you is…..Beetroots are EARTHY…a.k.a. they taste like dirt, but their benefits make up for their taste. The deep color of the beetroot lets you know that it's good for your heart and blood. This veggie helps build our immune system and controls the growth of bad cholesterol The Betalaine in this veggie is an anti inflammatory substance that helps with breaking down bloodclots, and protecting our liver. I also learned that they have an anti aging properties! (Whoop Whoop) So drinking this is like taking a sip from the fountain of youth! #TightSkinMinistry! Talk about keeping it tight, it has soluble fibers can can help you fight stored fat and help you lose some of those lbs!
Vitamins & Minerals: A, C, B-complex, Iron, Magnesium, and Copper
C is for Carrot
Carrots are amazing.. raw or steamed. Sometimes they too can give you the "I am from he earth," taste as well. Carrots are way more tolerable though. Carrots have beta carotene and our handy dandy bodies convert. To assist in the functionality of our eyes and immune system. The vitamin A helps to flush the toxins out and reduces the amount of bile and fat from the liver. TMI? I think not! You shall Live and Not Die Saints!
Vitamins & Minerals: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K and niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, calcium potassium.
Now for the Bonus:
- This drink is heart friendly, it Keeps that cholesterol in tact!
- Tight Spotless Skin (just try it I'm 40.. and you can't tell)
- Makes you a Smarty Pants, your will increase energy and response time
- It protects our eyes from everything that we use now, tv's, computers, mobile screens etc.
- DETOX- detox your organs 🙂
I know that was a lot of info, but I wanted to make sure I gave you the right info so you know how it will benefit you.
So follow the directions in the recipe...and add the apple last. If you want to spice it up a bit… add in a little ginger
ok…ok...ok.. y'all know I'm long winded!!
Until next time, may your tastebuds be…
Forever Satisfied

Thanks for sharing. I will try it later. I can hear the passion and energy in your post. Continued success.
Thanks my friend! It’s an amazing drink we have it every day!