Happy Sunday Family 🙂
Today on our weekly podcast Music and Meatless Meals, we talked about spring cleaning, because its March and let's face it people - it's time.
When you hear "spring cleaning" the first thing that comes to mind, is the home. Getting the house together and organized. Damon Johnson of DJ Realty Solutions, gave us some amazing tips as you clean room to room, and closet to closet. Get 4 totes, label them Keep, Throw Away, Sell, and Donate. That way everything has a place, and when you are done, you can bag it up and get it out of there. No need keeping something you wore, when you were 21 and you're 40 now. Different seasons people! Different seasons! Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Don't block your blessings with all that clutter.
Next, we talked about Spring Cleaning for the Mind. The mind is full of so much information, sometimes we need to info dump. Get a white piece of paper and empty out all of your thoughts on it. Once you are done, go back and prioritize all of the ideas, and work on one at a time. Use the W.I.N. method, "What's Important Now". Sometimes worker bees, just go, we never stop and relax. You have to take time for yourself to pray, meditate, and just breathe sometimes. Take a yoga class. Go get a massage. Take a moment to not think about something. I know it's hard, I have to literally schedule time for myself because all I do is go-go-go.
Have you done any spring cleaning to your soul? That means take a look at some of the things that heavily weigh you down. Friends, enemies, grudges and negativity as a whole. Cleanse your soul. People that bring chaos, get rid of them. They can't be apart of your new life. Enemies and grudges with family, friends, and anybody else who fits this category, FORGIVE THEM AND MOVE ON. You need some scriptures to back it up? Here ya go: Matthew 6:14-15, Luke 17:3-4, Ephesians 4:31-32, Isaiah 43:25-26, ok there's more, but hey, I just wanted you to see the facts. Give negativity zero value. It's a waste of time and energy. Plus, with all positivity coming to your super cleansed self, you need all that space! OKAY!
Now, before I go, can we tap those finances? Where can you spring clean your finances. Our Co-Hostess with the Mostess, Jamila Akia, says monitor your spending! Stop lending money out. Where can you save some coinage. Look at your bank account and pay attention to frivilous spending. Start saving more, it's said you should have 6 months worth of living expenses saved. (Crickets ... don't get silent now) lol. Let's really dive into our finances and fine tune them. Saved money can be reinvested to make money. Hello People! #WontHeDoIt!
Well, I wanted to recap the show, because it was a good one 🙂 I thought there was tons of information that we needed to share, so once you read this post, share it with everyone that you know.
And until next time, may your tastebuds be ...
Que 🙂

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