Alright fam,
It's been on my mind to say what everyone else is thinking.
It is absolutely NOT OK, to EAT LIKE CRAP
You are what you eat, and because of that I want to make it a point to give you the information that you need to begin. People make it complicated and it’s not. It is a Mindset. You have to see yourself eating differently. You actually have to make the effort. Know what you are buying at the grocery store. Know if you are drinking enough water. Are you listening to what your body is telling you?
Now that I’ve said it, what do you think? Is it time for a change?
Well, I want to be your accountability partner, because I CARE! I WANT YOU TO LIVE!
I thought long and hard about what I could do to help you get better. We are going to do a 3 | 5 | 7 Day Vegan Challenge. I’m making it simple. You chose the number of days that you wanna eat clean and I will tell you the tools you need to do it. I learn by understanding “The Why.” So, I will give you quick and easy meals, snacks and give you the why you should eat them. This is gonna be a TEAM EFFORT. We are going to do this together, and even though I am already Vegan, there are things in my diet that I need to reduce, or even eliminate. I have been struggling with my weight so this will be good change for me as well.
Our start day is going to be July 25th!
I’m going to post rules, meals, and snacks!!! This is gonna be amazing!!! You will feel SOOOO RENEWED!!
Well, until next time… May your tastebuds be forever satisfied.
P.S. Lets keep in touch ok?
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