Having a good knife in the kitchen is like…Mash Potatoes with Gravy..Vegan Mac N Cheez... a Beyond Meat burger on a Pretzel bun topped with Kale, Tomato, Avocado, Ketchup, Mustard, extra pickles and a lil Sriracha!!! Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Listen, I love a good knife. I love to cook, so I am always chopping, slicing, cutting and dicing everything in sight! I love my knives! People come to my house and if they help me in the kitchen, they are like… Que… where did this knife come from. Soooo I have decided to share my secrets. I’m literally going to tell you where my knives were born! #InJesusName!
As a Chef and Food blogger, different companies send me kitchen products because they want me to try their product and give a review. I am the pickiest kitchen tool person you will ever meet in your life. I’m not going to shout from the mountain top about a product unless I have used it. I mean… I have tried and tried to break these knives down… but this German engineering won’t budge!
These knives are RIDICULOUS! I have used this knife for A YEAR, WITHOUT SHARPENING IT!!! I recently sharpened it just because I just wanted to. It didn’t even need it.
I cut through a whole watermelon in seconds!
Mushrooms are chopped so easily.
If I’m cooking for meat eaters, I can filet with ease.
The knife is made with German Steel, the grip is perfection. I love these knives with my whole heart. You have to just try it for yourself! Today I'm sharing!
Check out the Zyliss website here!
These Knives are beautiful I have the Control 2 - Piece Chefs Knife Set (Amazon Link Here, for my Prime Peeps) it's literally from God! 25 year warranty!!! #WorthIt!
Welp, do your kitchen a favor and order these knives, tell me what you think when you get them!
Until next time family,
May your tastebuds be forever satisfied!
Que 🙂
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