The most asked question in the last 2 months has been about Snacks. So I wanted to talk to you all about it. My Meal Preps with Cooking with Que fam has been at it for 4 weeks strong now, they get Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, but they have to drink a glass a water with each meal. Meal prep I great, but what happens when you want to snack in between. Some times we Stress Eat, Some time we just wanna stuff our faces.. I’m just speaking for myself (side eyes) lol. So I’m going to give you my honest snacking options.
1. Know why you are snacking? Are you really hungry? or Nah?
2. If you are genuinely hungry… has there been any changes in your diet, activity etc.
3. Pay attention to what you are craving, because usually what we crave is what our body is lacking.
Ok… Lets look at some things we CRAVE!
- Chocolate
- this usually means that the saints are lacking magnesium, B vitamins or like your essential fatty acids. Now.. if you gotta gotta gotta have it, try to go for like cocoa for smoothies, dark chocolate, or like get the little nibs and put it in like your oatmeal or something…. Eating an entire bag of Justins Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups… is … well.. sad and its just eating your feelings to satisfy an emotional need because it metabolizes.. to SERATONIN! (don’t do it.. you will feel guilty, and lbs come along with a whole bag.. now if you just have one.. well.. moving along)
- Carbs
- Thinking of eating an entire loaf of bread.. or drag it through the homemade pasta sauce that’s left on the plate after the spaghetti? (oh this sounds sooo familiar, lmbo). Guess what, your deficient again. This is probably a lack of fiber in your diet #InJesusName !! This carbolicious cravings just mean you need to eat more magnesium rich foods like bananas, apples, avocados, broccoli etc. (no matter what saints.. YOU ARE EMOTIONALLY EATING.. JUST CUT IT OUT)
- Sugar, Sugar
- Oh huntyyy… you craving cakes, and sugary products is your body saying HEYYYYYYY MY BLOOD SUGAR IS OFF…HELLLPPPPP.. and THROW SOME MAGNESIUM AND CHROMIUM UP IN THERE TOO. AND OH YEAH.. IM DYING OF THIRST CUZ I’M DEHYDRATED! Like Spongebob out of water laying on a Desert Beach in the Sun type of Dehydrated. Do yourself a favor and drink some Water, (coconut water even). Too much sugar leads to a crap load of diseases including Cancer to Eat to Live peeps. DON’T DO IT!
- Salt, Salt (yes I know I typed these words twice.. in my head I said Sugar , Sugar, Salt, Salt… don’t like me it ain’t my fault.. lol I’m literally a 2 year old in my mind)
- Avoid it like the plague, but sometimes you want a Family size bag of Lays chips… to yourself. Don’t do it. Your body is telling you that your electrolytes are low and those stress hormones are fluctuating. Get some nuts (unsalted in Jesus Name… PLEASE) whole grain foods, legumes. Fill up on those!
- Oh you want some FRIED FOODS!!!!
- Don’t you fall for it! Its a lack of essential fatty acids peeps. You need to stay away from the saturated and trans fats. (listen I fell for this yesterday and I’m paying for it now.. I had some Waffle Fries from CMO.. it was a deserved cheat moment). You have to eat the good fats. I call them Mufas: Monounsaturated Fatty Acids like oils like salmon, avocado, nuts and nut butters, olive oil, coconut milk, coconut oil and flax seed.
- Coffee or Tea
- If you are like.. I have to have caffeine, like all of the time, it’s a sure sign of sulfur, or iron deficiency. Just hulk smash some greenage, like Kale, Cabbage, etc. If your body has a hard time absorbing iron the trick is increasing your Vitamin C intake. It will help with the absorption.
Ok, these are just a few, but the truth is our bodies are telling us what they want. We are just not listening. So now that you know a little bit about your not so random cravings… I can tell you what you should be snacking on to keep yourself happily satisfied in between meals.
Was that information overload? I promise the next read on Healthy Snackage will be #Easy and #OnPoint!
I had a taste for chips and ice cream. So I had them both🤦🏽♀️.
Next time I’m gonna follow your advise.
Thanks for the info.