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STOP!!! Go to Your Seasoning Cabinet Right Now and Throw this OUT!!!

LISTENNNNNN!!!!  Go to Your Seasoning Cabinet Right Now and Throw this OUT!!!

What you may ask?


I just did a live on Facebook about this YESTERDAY.!!! Didnt see it?  You can watch Here!

The goal is to make sure folks understand that we have to RESPECT EXPIRATION DATES!

They exist for a reason on foods and herbs and spices!!  YESSSSS THE SPICES IN YOUR CABINET!!!!

When they are expired they are no longer good for you!!  HEAR ME CLEARLYYYY!!!! Expired food and seasonings are not good for your body!

It’s for sure time for us to start respecting expiration dates!!

  • Next…. YOUR FREEZER!!
  • Then….. YOUR FRIDGE!!
  • And dont forget about YOUR PANTRY

… with all the canned foods too!!!!  They already have additives and preservatives so that it lasts longer…. But chyleeeee if you are already past that…THROW IT OUT! THROW IT OUT! (In my T.I. Voice)

Ok! Imma get off my soap box 📦

But send me some pics fam!!! Show me you cleaning out them cabinets!!!! I’ll show mine first!!!!!

Look at This!! 

See my Cabinet!!! Go ahead and like it and leave me a comment!!! Did I do a good job?


Love yall to Life!

And oh…. I started a text group so we can do better together! Shoot me a text (313) 992-4524.. I’ll respond!  #DontTrip! lol!


P.S. Share this with a friend.. we all need to clean out some stuff in our lives!!!! (Whewww Chyle… a whole word saint)

P.S.S. We are starting our Faith, Family, Food & Fitness Challenge October 4, 2021!!!

Ok.. I’ll be quiet now!


Why Can’t I Lose this Weight!

I feel like I have been trying to lose 20lbs for 10 years.  Let’s be real.  I am doing something wrong.  So I started paying more attention to the foods that I’m eating.  I’m 100% Vegan.  There is no way I should be having weight issues.  That is not real. It is a lie.  What you eat no matter who you are matters.

My issues have been consistency… I forget to eat, and by doing that it makes my body hold on to what it can because it doesn’t know when I will get another meal.  Facts.  So I have to be more consistent about eating.

Next issue, eating foods that are calorie dense.  The foods that I decided to eat once I finally got around to eating… were heavy. You can actually eat more and lose more if you focus on foods that are water rich.  Why? Because water dilutes the calories allowing you to eat more. I know it sounds crazy but listen… I have been learning more and more ya’ll.

An example… a cup of frickin raisins…. 500 calories. (which is more than a meal in our meal prep). Stay with me…now lets look at a cup of grapes.. (seeded of course) that same cup is only 62 calories!!!!!!!!


And the result…both cups will make you feel full but one is WAYYYY HEAVIER!

So pay attention to the foods that you are eating, or they heavy and calorie dense? or Light & Water Rich?

This is Day 6 of the #Faith #Family #Food #Fitness Challenge (Click Here to Learn More #FFFFChallenge) and I am totally trying to make a difference in my body!  So join in with me… it doesn’t matter when you start, the blessing is that you just START!

What has been some of the struggles of your weightless journey?
Reply to this post and let me know, and let’s do this together 🙂


F  O  L  L  O  W    M   E  ❤️  🌱

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