The fish industry, Salmon in particular, is facing an increase in parasites ... worms ... in this case - Sea Lice. Note that Sea Lice IS naturally present in Wild Caught Salmon, however it is thriving heavily in the Farm Raised environment, so much, that it is disruptive.
This could mean that the fish that ends up on your plate has the parasite (that you would then ingest) or toxic chemicals will be used to "control" the Sea Lice (that you would then ingest).
If you choose to eat fish as apart of your diet, be EXTREMELY CAREFUL and PICKY in your selection and source of fish as you don't want parasites to choose you as their new home. As yucky or extreme as that may sound - it's the truth guys - and if you must, we suggest you purchase Wild Caught over Farm Raised - as the fish comes from it's natural environment.
Protect your temple and consider transitioning to a more plant-based diet.
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