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A good Crusty Peach Cobbler with less hassle and heartburn!

So this is the quickest peach cobbler you will ever make, because THAT'S WHAT I DO! I try to make some of your favorite down home recipes taste amazing but I'm obsessed with making sure my family lives happier healthier lifestyles! So I want you to be able to pronounce what you are actually cooking!

Now, in our family the best part is.....HAVING A GOOD CRUST TO PEACH RATIO!  We loveeeeee the crust.   Do you hear me?  What I don't have, is a lot of time to make my crust from scratch so I found the next best thing.... Pilsbury Pie Crusts!  Did you know that they don't have any diary in them!!! Screams. (edited: I did learn that it is not vegan though, it has Lard, sooo I will give you a freakishly easy Pilsbury knock off crust recipe in the mean time)

One of these packages has 2 pie crust in it.  Perfect for a pie pan, and the other great thing is if you need to change the shape, you can roll them out on a board to become whatever you need.

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Desserts – A healthier take on the Desserts you feed Yourself & Your Family!


I tried not to give everyone the business on this topic, but the truth is.... IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!

We need to change the thought process on desserts!

After dinner you think desserts are cakes, cookies, pies, pastries all that.  In my mind when I see it, I know we think that way because of the history,  because of those who came before us.  Desserts for holidays were pies, and cobblers.  Sweets.  High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sugars. All sugar everything.

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