Cooking With Que

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Tag Archives | Dairy Free

A Dr. Martin Luther King Favorite!

So, who knew Dr. Kings favorite dessert was Pecan Pie.  First off, I have heard of Pecan Pie, but, I have never had it or attempted to make it. When I saw some of the recipes, I just wanted to find a way to not use corn syrup.  So I played around with Agave, but it wasn’t strong enough so I went to Maple Syrup.  Not maple flavored… but seriously, organic natural maple syrup. When I tell you.. it worked!!!  It tastes amazing.

Just check out the recipe here.

P.S. When you make it.. just remember to snap a pic and tag me in it! #CookingwithQue 🙂

Love you to Life!




Desserts – A healthier take on the Desserts you feed Yourself & Your Family!


I tried not to give everyone the business on this topic, but the truth is.... IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!

We need to change the thought process on desserts!

After dinner you think desserts are cakes, cookies, pies, pastries all that.  In my mind when I see it, I know we think that way because of the history,  because of those who came before us.  Desserts for holidays were pies, and cobblers.  Sweets.  High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sugars. All sugar everything.

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