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Que Tips #1 Substitutes for Shortening, Butter, and Sweeteners

#QueTips #1

Here are some #QueTips on small changes you can make in your kitchen that will make a big difference on your journey to Eat To Live! These are small changes that you can make to make a huge difference. We all know that we have to start somewhere.  Start with the things that you use the most. Here are a few of the items that I swapped out and the whole family made the adjustment, and without one complaint! 

Check out this video and see for yourself 🙂

Until next time, May your tastebuds be  forever satisfied!!

Que 🙂

Is Eating Healthy Expensive?

Why does it cost so much to eat healthy? Why? Why can I get a burger for $.99, but if I want a salad it's like $7.00. These are the types of questions I get all the time. So of course, if I hear it, I know that there are people that are thinking the same thing and want answers.

We live in a society where everyone loves instant gratification so food chains, have recognized that and are capitalizing off of it. Is it wrong? Meh. They go after consumers who want to be satisfied instantly, and it works.

Walking into a grocery, the food in the inner isles are cheaper than the food around the perimeter of the store. Let me break that down. Canned veggies are way cheaper than fresh veggies. It’s crazy, I know. It’s the truth though.

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Eggplant is a Fruit?!

At first glance, you notice the beautiful deep purple color. It looks more like a work of art than a vegetable. The eggplant is regal, I imagine the eggplant being high society in the fruit world.

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of fruit, which also includes tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes. They grow in a manner much like tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that grows several feet in height. While the different varieties do range slightly in taste and texture, one can generally describe the eggplant as having a pleasantly bitter taste and spongy texture.

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Food Allergies, Dietary Needs, ASK QUESTIONS!!

Hi, welcome to my world. I have sarcoidosis, I’m allergic to dairy, yes that means milk, eggs, cheese, etc. Oh yeah and I’m also Vegan. My friends call me #SmallPrint (rude), but it's true!

Imagine going out to dinner with me? LOL!

I’m usually the last person to order, because I take longer, the waiter/waitress usually has to go talk to the chef to double check ingredients, because they NEVER know what is in what. We must go through this process because they don’t want to be the reason someone has to use an epipen on me in their establishment (lol, its not funny.. But it's true, lol).

Being a person with allergies, or dietary restrictions, is not the easiest thing to live with. You can’t just say hey I’m gonna go grab some fast food, for fear of cross contamination plus you never know what all of the ingredients are and so on.

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The Funniest Vegan Grocery Shopping Trip Ever

Listen, it's the day before Labor Day and one of my great friends, Damon Johnson, decides he wants to do the #357VeganChallenge. Please understand that he does not like to follow rules. He wants to do it now, not when he is supposed to, the last week of the month. He wants to do it right after the holiday, and he wants me to be his personal grocery shopper ( I didn’t even know that was in my title)!

Now, this all sounds well, but he picked a day where I have no staff; I have my 2 sons and that’s it. My daughter was at Grandma's, my Husband was sleeping, Liz was in a different state, and both of my peeps, Jordette and Angelyn, were on completely opposite sides of town.

I know my son who just turned 14 was not the videographer of choice for this this experience, but sometimes you have to make it work.  He was not prepared for us, because when Damon and I get together, it’s a spontaneous combustion of, personalities, attitude, fun… actually I don’t even know what to call it. IT’S FANTASTICAL!!!!

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Veganism from a Non Vegan

If you have stumbled across this post you are actually a part of one of the most momentous times of my life ... my first blog entry.

Ironically my first blog entry would be on a Vegan site when I am NOT a Vegan. But if you are like me, and Que has gotten you in the mood to go to the store and make a Kale sandwich (or something along the line of that) THEN THIS IS THE POST FOR YOU.

I know what you’re thinking already, "Liz, why would we take Vegan advice from someone who isnt even Vegan?? Are you high?" Well first off I’m not high, and don’t call me Shirley. Now, let’s get started.

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#357VeganChallenge #Day1

Hi Family 🙂

It’s the beginning????  What did you eat for breakfast?  Was it filling? What about lunch? Dinner?  Send me some pics!!!! I get excited to see what everyone is making!!!  Tag me on any social media with #CookingWithQue #357VeganChallenge 🙂

I know this seems like it’s going to be hard, but you watch. This will be a piece of cake. I’m going to help you along the way. 

Today, I did a facebook live, I don’t know if you guys have seen it.  The link is here.  If you don’t have a facebook don’t worry, I posted it on youtube  click here.

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We Made It!!! #357VeganChallenge

Wow!  We went through 7 days already!

I have been getting great feedback about the challenge! It’s great to see a simple idea change lives.  I’ve lost 6.5 lbs. in the 7 day period and I wasn’t even trying to lose weight. We really are what we eat.  Only being able to eat 1 heavy carb, like potatoes or pasta per day makes a difference, even with me already being a Vegan. 

Now, my whole life’s goal is not to make everyone in the world a Vegan, but to cleanse your bodies of some of the toxins that get put into it without us even knowing.  There is a reason Vegans have lower risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and so on. Its natures cures.  Food in its natural state is the most effective medicine. 

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Trump, Hillary, & Diets … 3 Things you don’t want to talk about

Hey Family,

Did I get your attention.  I meant what I said.  I’m absolutely not gonna talk about Donald Trump.  I’m not gonna mention Hillary Clinton either.  I’m not even going to say the word DIET (well only to explain why this is not one, stick with me!) Cooking with Que does not do diets!! WE EAT TO LIVE.

So before we start our 357 Vegan Fast, we have to get our hearts ready and our minds right.  This is not a diet.  I don’t even want to call it a diet, because the word “DIET” freaks people out.  Calling it a diet means that we just wanna try this and if it doesn’t work we are gonna just try something else.

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Drink water much?

** Did you know that the normal human body is 60% water? **

That being said, drinking water daily is pretty important (as I grab for my water, right now!).

As basic and tasteless as it is, it has so many health benefits!

When I wake up in the morning before I brush my teeth I drink an 8 oz glass of water. I know it doesn’t really sound like a big deal but drinking a small glass of water first thing in the morning has sooo many health benefits!

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