Cooking With Que

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Tag Archives | gluten free

A Dr. Martin Luther King Favorite!

So, who knew Dr. Kings favorite dessert was Pecan Pie.  First off, I have heard of Pecan Pie, but, I have never had it or attempted to make it. When I saw some of the recipes, I just wanted to find a way to not use corn syrup.  So I played around with Agave, but it wasn’t strong enough so I went to Maple Syrup.  Not maple flavored… but seriously, organic natural maple syrup. When I tell you.. it worked!!!  It tastes amazing.

Just check out the recipe here.

P.S. When you make it.. just remember to snap a pic and tag me in it! #CookingwithQue 🙂

Love you to Life!




Que Tips #1 Substitutes for Shortening, Butter, and Sweeteners

#QueTips #1

Here are some #QueTips on small changes you can make in your kitchen that will make a big difference on your journey to Eat To Live! These are small changes that you can make to make a huge difference. We all know that we have to start somewhere.  Start with the things that you use the most. Here are a few of the items that I swapped out and the whole family made the adjustment, and without one complaint! 

Check out this video and see for yourself 🙂

Until next time, May your tastebuds be  forever satisfied!!

Que 🙂