Tag Archives | Quiana “Que” Broden
STOP!!! Go to Your Seasoning Cabinet Right Now and Throw this OUT!!!
Why Can’t I Lose this Weight!
I feel like I have been trying to lose 20lbs for 10 years. Let’s be real. I am doing something wrong. So I started paying more attention to the foods that I’m eating. I’m 100% Vegan. There is no way I should be having weight issues. That is not real. It is a lie. What you eat no matter who you are matters.
My issues have been consistency… I forget to eat, and by doing that it makes my body hold on to what it can because it doesn’t know when I will get another meal. Facts. So I have to be more consistent about eating.
Next issue, eating foods that are calorie dense. The foods that I decided to eat once I finally got around to eating… were heavy. You can actually eat more and lose more if you focus on foods that are water rich. Why? Because water dilutes the calories allowing you to eat more. I know it sounds crazy but listen… I have been learning more and more ya’ll.
An example… a cup of frickin raisins…. 500 calories. (which is more than a meal in our meal prep). Stay with me…now lets look at a cup of grapes.. (seeded of course) that same cup is only 62 calories!!!!!!!!
And the result…both cups will make you feel full but one is WAYYYY HEAVIER!
So pay attention to the foods that you are eating, or they heavy and calorie dense? or Light & Water Rich?
This is Day 6 of the #Faith #Family #Food #Fitness Challenge (Click Here to Learn More #FFFFChallenge) and I am totally trying to make a difference in my body! So join in with me… it doesn’t matter when you start, the blessing is that you just START!
What has been some of the struggles of your weightless journey?
Reply to this post and let me know, and let’s do this together 🙂
F O L L O W M E ❤️ 🌱
Website | www.cookingwithque.com
Instagram | @CookingwithQue
Facebook | Cooking with Que
Twitter | @cookingwithque
Twitch | @cookingwithque
OMG 😱 – Did you you know that we have a brick and mortar now? SCREAMSSS
Website | www.thekitchenbycwq.com
Instagram | @thekitchenbycwq
Facebook | The Kitchen by Cooking with Que
Twitter | @thekitchen_que
OmG! Do You Want to Learn to Make the Easiest Tostada Recipe Ever
The Easiest Tostada Recipe Ever
This week we have a classic mexican dish called a Tostada. The recipe is super easy ..like literally the easiest….and as I always say… these recipes are living and can be adjusted to your liking. Great for a Taco Tuesday or any day you have a strong craving for mexican food! This tostada recipe is straight fire! I went to one of my new favorite spots in Detroit, Honey Bee Market –
Here is the Recipe: https://cookingwithque.com/recipe-items/the-easiest-tostada-recipe-ever/
Here is the Grocery Market for Tostadas: https://honeybeemkt.com/
Let me know your thoughts below!!!
F O L L O W M E ❤️ 🌱
Website | www.cookingwithque.com
Instagram | @CookingwithQue
Facebook | Cooking with Que
Twitter | @cookingwithque
Twitch | @cookingwithque
OMG 😱 – Did you you know that we have a brick and mortar now? SCREAMSSS
Website | www.thekitchenbycwq.com
Instagram | @thekitchenbycwq
Facebook | The Kitchen by Cooking with Que
Twitter | @thekitchen_que
Video: @trippaudiovisual
Day #16 / #75Hard with Cooking with Que Challenge
Good Morning. #Day16
Everyday won’t be easy. Diamonds don’t become Diamonds if there is no pressure applied. Tears will flow. You will own them. Journeys aren’t journeys because they are easy. There is a reason for Growing Pains.
It is ok.
This is the face of someone who is Full. Who took a break by hiding in their truck. This face understands that being tested pushes you to new levels. God has a reason for everything. Fail forward.
Look at the whole picture.
What went right.
What went wrong.
What can you control.
What / Who can you not control.
15 Minute Cry.
Scream and Ask God His expectations.
Wait Quietly for the Response.
Move Forward.
Moment of Transparency .
No one is Perfect.
God made us all perfectly flawed.
The Bonus.
God Made Us.
Chew. On. That.
#Faith #Family #Food #Fitness #75HardwithCookingwithQueChallenge #Vegan
Cooking with Que / The Kitchen by Cooking with Que Health & Safety Update
Hey Family!!!
I pray that you all are in great health or healing Godspeed! At Cooking with Que & The Kitchen by Cooking with Que, the health and safety of our entire community is our top priority. Today we’re sharing a number of updates with our clients about new health and safety guidelines related to COVID-19 as well as features available on the Cooking with Que site.
Safely Delivering Your Meals: Catered or Meal Prep with Cooking with Que
We’re working closely with national and local authorities as well as a panel of health and safety experts to actively monitor the situation and ensure we’re operating safely with minimal disruption to service. Just know what are taking appropriate precautions to safely deliver your items. All Meal Prep Items will now be in completely disposable recyclable containers until we are in the clear. Thank you to everyone who has been apart of us saving the planet thus far by returning recycled containers, but for the safety of our community we will be using completely disposable recyclable containers.
Introducing “Leave at My Door Delivery”
Next week, we are offering “Leave at My Door Delivery” feature to all customers, giving you more flexibility in how you want to receive your Meal Prep Orders. To use the new feature, simply select “Leave at My Door Delivery” as part of your delivery options at checkout. You’ll receive a photo confirmation once your Meal Prep order has been delivered.
Dining at The Kitchen by Cooking with Que
There is a reason why we are known as the cleanest Kitchen in the City of Detroit, because of our overly precautious cleaning methods. Our goal is to teach our community how to eat to live, and we will continue to do so.
For the latest info on the precautions you can take, please visit the CDC’s website.
We are blessed to have you as members of the Cooking with Que community!!!
We Love You to Life!
Psalm 91 🙂
Today I’m pissed off at my Sarcoidosis!
It bothers me that there is a disease called Sarcoidosis that people don’t talk about because I guess it’s not a bigger disease. Not looking for any sympathy, really. I’m just what a person would call pissed off. Rightfully so. It sneaks up on you when you don’t have time, when you have stuff to do… like a business to run, a family to take care of..you know life. It has no respect. It doesn’t give you a warning when you are about to have a flare up. You just walk around life avoiding sick people because you know you have this autoimmune disease that loves to lower your ability to fight off illness blah blah blah.
Oh but today. I’M PISSED OFF. (more…)
The Best Vegan Brownie Recipe Ever
Heyyyyyyyyy….When it comes to Brownies, they need to be soft…a little fluffy.. but oooeeeyyy goooeeeyyyy…with a little crunch right? So, as a Vegan.. I needed all of those things to exist….. in one Brownie.. and I think we’ve got it!
The recipe is simple. The ingredients can all be purchased at your local store. It doesn’t take too much brain power, just some great mixin and stirring skills! LOL!
Be prepared to be amazed and, Thank God for this recipe!
Did you see us on Fox 2 Detroit making these Dunkin Peppermint Mocha Latte Brownies? Check it out here
and until next time….
May your tastebuds be…. #ForeverSatisfied!
Don’t Be Hungry for the Holidays
So there are Holiday Parties coming up for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, New Years and all kinds of Gift Exchanges, Get Togethers and Potlucks!
Save yourself the time and energy and order what you need. From sides to an entire meal. Cooking with Que has got you covered!
Check out some of the specials we have right now! Pickups are Monday, December 23, 2019 from 4-6 pm 🙂
*** All meals are oven ready, and can be refrigerated until you are ready to cook and serve. ***
Holiday Feast
Vegan Sweet Potato Cheesecake
Got any questions? Email us at catering@cookingwithque.com
Happy Holidays!
Don't worry, you can always order Cooking with Que's signature dish!
Quarter Pan
Half Pan
Full Pan
How Dunkin Peppermint Mocha Latte set off the Holiday Season!
Gahhhhh!! Fammmm I did it! I tried coffee, and it made me happy! So my tastebuds wanted to cook with it. First thing I did was try to figure out how to get it into a Donut!!! It's the holidays and this would be a totally different way to level up desserts with all of my favorite things. I tried it with different coffees but my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE... IS THE DUNKIN PEPPERMINT MOCHA LATTE!!!!!
Listennnnn!!!! Y'all know I'm a picky eater.. so if a saint was gonna try coffee....I needed to know which one I liked the best and stick with it!! I found out last year that Dunkin Donuts didn't have the Peppermint Mocha Latte so surelyyyyyy God knew it was time for them to bless us with it this year!!! I'm so happy they did. The flavor is nice and deep. Like a red wine of coffee deep and then pairing it with Peppermint, and Almond Milk.. or Soy Milk.. or Oat Milk.. wellll huntyyyyy IT'S GOOD GOOD!
So you now me, I wanted to find a way to stick that flavor into something I loved. A Donut. So just imagine.. a (york peppermint patty on coffee.... STRAIGHT FIRE)
OK...enough with my over the top descriptions!!! Let me just give you this recipe!!! Oh.. and we made it on Fox 2 News Detroit this morning.. and guess what... THEY LOVED IT!!!!
Click here to watch the Fox 2 Segment
Click here for the "How To" video
Until next time.. may your tastebuds be......
Veggie of the Month: Tumeric by Savannah Grace Carter

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