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The Best Vegan Brownie Recipe Ever

Heyyyyyyyyy….When it comes to Brownies, they need to be soft…a little fluffy.. but oooeeeyyy goooeeeyyyy…with a little crunch right?  So, as a Vegan.. I needed all of those things to exist….. in one Brownie.. and I think we’ve got it!

The recipe is simple.   The ingredients can all be purchased at your local store.  It doesn’t take too much brain power, just some great mixin and stirring skills! LOL!

Be prepared to be amazed and, Thank God for this recipe! 

Did you see us on Fox 2 Detroit making these Dunkin Peppermint Mocha Latte Brownies?  Check it out here

and until next time….

May your tastebuds be…. #ForeverSatisfied!


The Funniest Vegan Grocery Shopping Trip Ever

Listen, it's the day before Labor Day and one of my great friends, Damon Johnson, decides he wants to do the #357VeganChallenge. Please understand that he does not like to follow rules. He wants to do it now, not when he is supposed to, the last week of the month. He wants to do it right after the holiday, and he wants me to be his personal grocery shopper ( I didn’t even know that was in my title)!

Now, this all sounds well, but he picked a day where I have no staff; I have my 2 sons and that’s it. My daughter was at Grandma's, my Husband was sleeping, Liz was in a different state, and both of my peeps, Jordette and Angelyn, were on completely opposite sides of town.

I know my son who just turned 14 was not the videographer of choice for this this experience, but sometimes you have to make it work.  He was not prepared for us, because when Damon and I get together, it’s a spontaneous combustion of, personalities, attitude, fun… actually I don’t even know what to call it. IT’S FANTASTICAL!!!!

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