Tag Archives | Fresh
STOP!!! Go to Your Seasoning Cabinet Right Now and Throw this OUT!!!
Why Can’t I Lose this Weight!
I feel like I have been trying to lose 20lbs for 10 years. Let’s be real. I am doing something wrong. So I started paying more attention to the foods that I’m eating. I’m 100% Vegan. There is no way I should be having weight issues. That is not real. It is a lie. What you eat no matter who you are matters.
My issues have been consistency… I forget to eat, and by doing that it makes my body hold on to what it can because it doesn’t know when I will get another meal. Facts. So I have to be more consistent about eating.
Next issue, eating foods that are calorie dense. The foods that I decided to eat once I finally got around to eating… were heavy. You can actually eat more and lose more if you focus on foods that are water rich. Why? Because water dilutes the calories allowing you to eat more. I know it sounds crazy but listen… I have been learning more and more ya’ll.
An example… a cup of frickin raisins…. 500 calories. (which is more than a meal in our meal prep). Stay with me…now lets look at a cup of grapes.. (seeded of course) that same cup is only 62 calories!!!!!!!!
And the result…both cups will make you feel full but one is WAYYYY HEAVIER!
So pay attention to the foods that you are eating, or they heavy and calorie dense? or Light & Water Rich?
This is Day 6 of the #Faith #Family #Food #Fitness Challenge (Click Here to Learn More #FFFFChallenge) and I am totally trying to make a difference in my body! So join in with me… it doesn’t matter when you start, the blessing is that you just START!
What has been some of the struggles of your weightless journey?
Reply to this post and let me know, and let’s do this together 🙂
F O L L O W M E ❤️ 🌱
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OMG 😱 – Did you you know that we have a brick and mortar now? SCREAMSSS
Website | www.thekitchenbycwq.com
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Day #16 / #75Hard with Cooking with Que Challenge
Good Morning. #Day16
Everyday won’t be easy. Diamonds don’t become Diamonds if there is no pressure applied. Tears will flow. You will own them. Journeys aren’t journeys because they are easy. There is a reason for Growing Pains.
It is ok.
This is the face of someone who is Full. Who took a break by hiding in their truck. This face understands that being tested pushes you to new levels. God has a reason for everything. Fail forward.
Look at the whole picture.
What went right.
What went wrong.
What can you control.
What / Who can you not control.
15 Minute Cry.
Scream and Ask God His expectations.
Wait Quietly for the Response.
Move Forward.
Moment of Transparency .
No one is Perfect.
God made us all perfectly flawed.
The Bonus.
God Made Us.
Chew. On. That.
#Faith #Family #Food #Fitness #75HardwithCookingwithQueChallenge #Vegan
Meal Preps Are Here! Are you Ready?
The most asked question in the Cooking with Que inbox..... Do you have Meal Preps! Literally.
I had to take the time to determine what would work because I didn't want to be another "Box" service with food that will last for 7-10 days! That's absolutely ridiculous to me. Like what fresh food do you get out of a garden... and it lasts you for that long! GET OUTTA HERE!
My brain says, if something is supposed to be fresh, you should have to go get another batch sooner than later. I grocery shop a couple times per week. Fresh Kale... Spinach.. Tomatoes those items when they are truly fresh.. don't last for 2 weeks fam! So I wanted to figure out how to make this beneficial for everyone involved. Vegans and Meat Eaters alike. So all my local peeps will have access to pick up or delivery options. I only have spots for 10 Out of State peeps, to let me know how they like getting food every 3-4 days.
Veggie of the Month: Tumeric by Savannah Grace Carter

Happy Easter! He is Risen! Food, Family, & Fun!
I hope everyone is having an amazing day. Today is the first day I have felt almost 100% since dealing with my most recent Sarcoidosis flare up. I have literally been in bed for 5+ days. A saint was out for a minute, breathing treatments every couple of hours. Steroids, no sleep. JUST ANNOYING! But He is Risen! Today, I felt like getting up! Going to Church! and even Cooking!! I was soo excited!
Honestly, the holidays are different with Momma not being here, Rest In Heaven Momma!. I know everyone says, it will get easier. it doesn't. This morning my Sissy called and
Late Lent Starters?
You ever get so busy that you know you are supposed to be doing something, but you can’t remember what?
How did I forget Lent was here. What’s even worse, I didn’t have a thought about giving anything up. Like literally. I hear and see everyone talk about, I’m giving up sweets, drinking, eating...blah blah blah.
I think, it’s almost become so commercial, it’s like a New Years Resolution. Remember that? The thing that is promised to do… but never lives past like the last day of January! Smh.
Lent is supposed to be a journey, sacrificial, its to represent the time Jesus was in the wilderness preparing for his ministry work.
And I. Forgot.
#InsertPalmToFaceEmojiHere smh.
So, I am not going to beat myself up. I’m going to deal with it, and face it head on.
What I plan on giving up for the next 40 days, and hopefully it starts a new habit……
I’m giving up worrying. It’s not healthy for you. It makes you sick, mentally and physically. It’s a waste of time, and God doesn’t make mistakes! PERIOD!
So goodbye worry! I don’t need you. Everything is going to be alright in it’s time
What did you give up for Lent?
Que 🙂
P.S. If you missed me on Fox 2 Detroit (we’ve been on 3 times in the last 2 week!!) You can check it out here for Links & Recipes:
- S. S. We are still #Crowdfunding! Donate to our campaign to Create a Healthier Detroit here!
Ok, ok... until next time fam.. May your tastebuds be...
Que’s Fox 2 Bloopers that made National News
I almost kept this to myself, but we all deal with life right? Imagine having a segment on Fox 2 News in the morning....literally prime air time... and you don't have everything that you need.
I'm talking its the week before the Super Bowl! The beginning of Black History Month, and Heart Health Awareness and you get invited to talk about some amazing recipes that can be used for Super Bowl Parties for those family and friends. I'm excited! Some of the recipes that we are known for is the Buffalo Cauliflower Tacos and the Chorizo Queso Dip...so we go with those two ideas along with some oven roasted (not deep friend) buffalo wings, for the meat eaters in the house!
I'm set to be on the segment with Deena Centofani, Lee Thomas, and Ryan Ermanni, all of the faves! Set to be there by 9:30 but the work starts before hand. This segment was during Michigans Winter Storm Dante (it had some name.. I just remember calling it Dante) Listen, it snowed uncontrollably and the weather was like -35 degrees! It was aweful! Because of the weather... Trader Joes couldn't get deliveries, so they couldn't get Soy Chorizo, the main ingredient for the Vegan Chorizo Q'ueso,... I drove around and checked every neighboring store. So I knew I had to change of the recipe!
A good Crusty Peach Cobbler with less hassle and heartburn!
So this is the quickest peach cobbler you will ever make, because THAT'S WHAT I DO! I try to make some of your favorite down home recipes taste amazing but I'm obsessed with making sure my family lives happier healthier lifestyles! So I want you to be able to pronounce what you are actually cooking!
Now, in our family the best part is.....HAVING A GOOD CRUST TO PEACH RATIO! We loveeeeee the crust. Do you hear me? What I don't have, is a lot of time to make my crust from scratch so I found the next best thing.... Pilsbury Pie Crusts! Did you know that they don't have any diary in them!!! Screams. (edited: I did learn that it is not vegan though, it has Lard, sooo I will give you a freakishly easy Pilsbury knock off crust recipe in the mean time)
One of these packages has 2 pie crust in it. Perfect for a pie pan, and the other great thing is if you need to change the shape, you can roll them out on a board to become whatever you need.
Desserts – A healthier take on the Desserts you feed Yourself & Your Family!
I tried not to give everyone the business on this topic, but the truth is.... IT'S TIME FOR CHANGE!
We need to change the thought process on desserts!
After dinner you think desserts are cakes, cookies, pies, pastries all that. In my mind when I see it, I know we think that way because of the history, because of those who came before us. Desserts for holidays were pies, and cobblers. Sweets. High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sugars. All sugar everything.
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